Covid-19 has had a profound impact on the world of work and management. In addition to global public health challenges, economic and social unrest threaten the livelihoods and long-term well-being of millions of employees.


What does the Labor Code say about OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)?

General prevention obligations of the employer in covid-19 management

The employer must:

  • take all necessary measures to ensure the health and safety of workers ; 
  • evaluate the occupational risks to reduce possible contagions in the workplace;
  • prove that he has taken the necessary and sufficient general precautions to avoid the risks.

With the help of the occupational physician, preventive measures must be adapted to the company's activity.

Limiting travel by placing the employee in telecommuting

In principle, teleworking is set up with the agreement of the employees. However, in order to limit the risk of spreading covid-19, employers are again required to allow employees to work remotely.

Recommendations for the employee: respect the health recommendations

In accordance with article L4122-1 of the French Labour Code:

According to the instructions given to him by the employer, each worker is responsible for ensuring his health and safety according to his training and possibilities, as well as those of other persons concerned by his omissions at work or his actions.

COVID-19 management and ISO 45001

ISO 45001 can be implemented to address COVID 19:

  • Taking a systems approach that facilitates coordination of efforts and resources is important in COVID-19 management;
  • Plan what needs to be done to keep the organization working safely;
  • Doing what the organization has planned to do;
  • Verify that it is working properly.

Benefits of using an expert firm

The Extrend Consulting firm accompanies your company through several actions:

  • evaluation through a social audit
  • Accompaniment in the implementation of the ISO 45001.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the actions carried out