CSR covers all the practices adopted by a company to respect the principles of sustainable development (social, environment and economic).
What is the relationship between CSR and ISO 26000?
The ISO 26000 standard is the first international standard on CSR. This normative document was published in 2010. It provides guidelines for the implementation of a CSR approach.

How to integrate respect for the environment in a CSR approach?
The activities and decisions of companies have an impact on the environment. Therefore, companies should adopt an approach that takes into account the indirect and direct implications of their activities and decisions on the environment. Climate change, depletion of natural resources, pollution, disappearance of ecosystems and species and associated services are all issues of concern for companies.
The company's environmental challenges are linked to the following actions :
- Optimizing the use of natural resources;
- The implementation of practices to limit and prevent pollution linked to the company's activities;
- The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and of nuisances to flora and fauna;
Here are the areas of action:
- Raising employee awareness of environmental issues
We need to raise awareness and improve the skills of employees so that they understand environmental issues (waste, collapse of biodiversity, global warming) and their interactions.
- Develop a zero waste policy in your company
Waste sorting is one of the main commitments of sustainable development of the company. It must reduce all waste.
Here are some tips to help you implement a zero waste approach in your office:
- reduce consumption in the office ;
- hunt for packaging and plastics;
- set up a sorting system that is understood by all, visible and clear.
Advantages of using an expert firm
Extrend Consulting accompanies your company through several actions :
- social audit
- CSR (Social and Environmental Responsibility) procedures in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 26000 standard:
- implementation of management and support systems.